Saturday, April 4, 2020
Dear Needled,
I am contemplating a yarn project. Two things come to mind, plus a roadblock. One thing is socks. I have never even tried to knit them, because they are all fussy at the heel. You have to make your tube of delightfully easy and repetitive knits and purls turn a corner, like some kind of Le Mans chicane! It is nearly unfathomable.
The second idea is this octopus, which is really beautifully and fussily executed. It's like 8 tiny socks! Four times as hard as the socks, I reckon, but no heels.
The roadblock is the inevitable mistakes I will make in thin, delicate yarn. But no, that's not right; the mistakes are just what they are, it's my feelings about the mistakes that are the real issue.
To make or not to make?