Dear Looking for Work,
Here's a new opening, pussycats: Get a job as a cat! Work all day among the flowers for room and board. I know you will enjoy your new job as a cat, because cats take a lot of breaks, and they generally enjoy life as it comes. When I grow up, I think I will work in flowers as a cat, too.

Are you familiar with these two fabulous Catwomen? Get to know them better by checking out the Batman TV Series at your local library. You won't regret it. When I was a youth, I thought goody-two-shoes Batman's pedantic moralizing was annoying. Watching the show now, I don't know how I missed the tongue-in-cheek irreverence. But, all this is good news, because it means, dear reader, that we can go home, we can revisit things, places, and people, and experience them with our new, advanced, state of the art Bat-Utility Belts.